• ঢাকা বৃহস্পতিবার
    ০৬ ফেব্রুয়ারি, ২০২৫, ২৩ মাঘ ১৪৩১

20 fishermen afloat in sea for 15 days, finally rescued

প্রকাশিত: জানুয়ারি ১৯, ২০২২, ০২:২৬ এএম

20 fishermen afloat in sea for 15 days, finally rescued

সিটি নিউজ

Their job is to fish in the deep sea at the risk of their lives. These fishermen smile when they catch fish in the net. 20 fishermen got into trouble while fishing in the sea. After 15 days in the deep sea, they were rescued by the Indian Coast Guard. After completing the formalities, they were handed over to the Bangladesh Coast Guard on Monday (January 10).

It is learned that these 20 fishermen of Bhola district went fishing in the Bay of Bengal in a fishing trawler on 11th December. As soon as their trawler went into the deep sea, its engine broke down. The trawler carrying 20 fishermen then floated into Indian waters. Bangladesh Coast Guard informed the Indian Coast Guard to search for the trawler. The Indian Coast Guard then launched a search operation.

After a long operation, on 26 December, 20 fishermen were rescued from a crippled fishing trawler. The Bangladesh Coast Guard then brought West Zone (Mongla headquarters) to the country on Sunday (January 9) through an agreement between the two countries' coastguards.

Captain M Mosayed Hossain, Zonal Commander, Coast Guard West Zone (Mongla), said the Bangladesh Coast Guard ship 'Swadhin Bangla' went to the maritime borders in Bangladesh and took 20 fishermen from the Indian Coast Guard ship Sarojini Naidu along with the Bangladeshi fishing trawler.

These fishermen of Bhola district are- Md. Nurul Islam, Md. Tashin, Nurul Islam, Hanif, Sohail, Md. Bellal, Alauddin Ahmed, Abu Bakr, Miraj, Salauddin, Salauddin, Sabuj, Harun, Jamal, Md. Basar, Mostafiz, Solaiman, Abu Zaher, Ripon and Delwar.

The fishermen were handed over to their fish lord and trawler owner Abul Kashem on Monday afternoon by Coast Guard West Zone Zonal Commander Mosayed Hossain.