• Dhaka Saturday, 22 Feb, 2025

60 foreign observers, 17 journalists arrive to monitor election: FS

January 5, 2024, 09:54 AM

60 foreign observers, 17 journalists arrive to monitor election: FS

Staff Reporter

A total of 60, out of 127 foreign observers, have arrived in Dhaka so far to monitor the 12th parliamentary election, Foreign Secretary Masud Bin Momen said.

"So far 60 foreign observers or experts have arrived in Dhaka and all together 127 are scheduled to come. Besides, 73 foreign journalists have received accreditation and among them 17 have already arrived," he said.

The Foreign Secretary stated it while talking to reporters after Chief Election Commissioner (CEC) briefed the foreign diplomats stationed in Dhaka at Sonargaon Hotel in the capital.

Masud said most of the foreign election observers and journalists will arrive in Dhaka by tonight and Friday morning.

He said the observers will monitor the polls in Dhaka and also outside Dhaka.

"We can‍‍`t determine where they will go, but we have suggested them to choose the destinations those have air connectivity," he added.

The Foreign Secretary said the government will provide security to the foreign diplomats and offered local hospitality to officials of the election commissions of other countries.

More than 50 diplomats of different countries stationed in Dhaka attended the briefing where the CEC informed them the latest updates of the preparation of the Sunday‍‍`s election.

He said the CEC has been able to make the diplomats understand that there is no lack of sincerity and dedication from the election commission to hold a free and fair election.

Replying to a query, the foreign secretary said, after the briefing, the Western diplomats told him that they are well briefed as the election commission updated him about the polls time to time.
