Recently, it has been revealed that Idhika Paul, a popular face from Kolkata Television Industry, has been roped in to play Shakib Khan's leading lady in his upcoming film "Priyotoma."
Directed by Himel Ashraf, the romantic action drama is slated to be released on the upcoming Eid-ul-Azha.
In an interview with Anandabazar online, the actress opened up about being part of the movie.
"The opportunity to act in this film came to me suddenly. I was contacted by Shakib's team and upon reading it I liked the movie and decided to be part of it, " said the actress.
When asked whether she has left Bengali serials for good, the actress responded that she will come back to Television if any good project comes towards her.
However, she stated that the Bangladeshi film isn't her first work on the silver screen, and that she has done other projects as well in Kolkata – which she can't reveal right now.
Although there are several allegations and controversies against Shakib Khan, the actress refuses to pay any attention towards it. She only wants to concentrate on her character and focus on "Priyotoma" for the time being.
Idhika has already received her visa to come to Bangladesh. She will reportedly land in Bangladesh on May 9 and will start shooting with Shakib Khan from May 11.
Shakib Khan will be appearing in a new avatar, after a month-long experiment on his looks. The romantic film is being produced by Arshad Adnan, owner of Versatile Media.
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