Directed by Saif Chandan, "Local" was released this Eid in 11 cinema halls across the country. The film stars Shobnom Yesmin Bubly and Ador Azad. Since the first day of Eid, the film has been performing well in multiplexes. Even on the second day of Eid (yesterday) tickets for "Local" were in high demand.
Speaking about the situation, the film's director, Saif Chandan told The City News Dhaka, "The audience loved the trailer and enjoyed the songs that were released before the film. Now, I am also seeing an interest from the audience to go and watch the film. 'Local' has been doing well since the first day of its release.
So far, around seven screenings of the film have already gone houseful. This is a big achievement for us. Personally, I think the film will do even better next week."
The story and screenplay for "Local" have been written by Ferari Forhad.
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