• Dhaka Sunday, 09 Mar, 2025

CGS organizes "Dialogue for Democratic Reconstruction” in Sylhet

January 26, 2025, 12:11 AM

CGS organizes

Staff Reporter

Centre for Governance Studies (CGS) has initiated a series of dialogues across all divisions of the country, including Dhaka, focusing on priority areas for reform to establish a democratic state. 

As part of this initiative, the event titled "Dialogue for Democratic Reconstruction" was held today in the Nirvana Inn Hotel conference hall in Sylhet, said a press release here. 

The dialogue featured former president of the Sylhet District Bar Association Advocate Emadullah Shahidul Islam Shaheen and former dean of Shahjalal University of Science and Technology Professor Kamal Ahmed Chowdhury as guests.  CGS Executive Director Zillur Rahman moderated the event. 

Representatives from various political parties, teachers, students, lawyers, industrial entrepreneurs, civil society members, journalists, rights activists, small business owners, women‍‍`s organizers, and volunteers participated in the open discussion, sharing their valuable opinions on necessary reforms.

Adv. Shaheen stated, "The 1972 Constitution did not have the capacity to ensure fundamental rights for the war-torn people of Bangladesh. However, Bangladesh is now economically and institutionally stronger. Food, clothing, education, and healthcare should be recognized as fundamental rights and ensured by the state, with their inclusion in the constitution." 

He emphasized the need for a constitutional separation of the legislative, judicial, and executive branches of government.

Professor Kamal Ahmed Chowdhury noted that although Bangladesh has a constitution, constitutional governance has never been fully established. Even though the constitution was enacted in 1972, it was amended in 1975 to impose a one-party rule, which destroyed the original spirit of the constitution, he added.

CGS Executive Director Zillur Rahman remarked since independence, the people of Bangladesh have repeatedly taken to the streets to claim their democratic rights. Unfortunately, political parties and different groups have often exploited these movements for their own interests, distorting the spirit of the struggles, he added.

Referring to the current situation, he mentioned, “The country is going through a critical phase. There is ongoing debate among political forces about whether reforms should come first or elections should be held first. Are we moving away from the national unity that was necessary after the previous upheavals?"

BNP Sylhet district unit President Abdul Kaiyum Chowdhury stated, "The July uprising was not just a two-month movement; it was the result of nearly 15 years of struggle." He emphasized the importance of holding elections this year to ensure a smooth transition to an elected government. 

BNP Sylhet metropolitan unit President Rezaul Hasan Lodi said, "BNP has announced a 31-point agenda to reform the state structure, and implementing these reforms can establish a secure Bangladesh for the next 50 years."

Jamaat-e-Islami Sylhet metropolitan unit Ameer Md. Fakhrul Islam said a democratic government must be established, freedom of expression ensured, and necessary reforms completed before holding elections. He suggested that the local government elections should be conducted promptly.

Spokesperson of the Anti-Discrimination Student Movement, Maleka Khatun Sera, highlighted that the first task after any political upheaval should be ensuring economic equality and the rights of marginalized people. 

She mentioned that the previous government destroyed the social, administrative, political, and economic sectors over the past 15 years. Necessary reforms should be implemented before the next national elections, she said.

Citizens‍‍` Movement coordinator Abdul Karim Kim stressed the need for democratic practices within political parties and the reinstatement of the ‍‍`No Vote‍‍` option in elections.

Representing the indigenous community, Lakshmikanta Singh, Executive Director of Edco, asserted, "Although we are citizens of Bangladesh, we are not Bengalis; we have our own identity. Indigenous peoples in Bangladesh should be recognized according to the UN definition."

The event was attended by representatives from the Jatiya Nagorik Committee, Gono Adhikar Parishad, Khilafat Majlis, AB Party, State Dialogue Movement, CPB, BASAD, BASAD (Marxist), Youth Development, Student Union, Democratic Student Council, Gono Sanghati Movement, and various legal, academic, entrepreneurial, and cultural professionals who shared their insights on national reconstruction of Bangladesh.
