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Students to get 1 lakh 45 thousand new books in Fakirhat January 1

December 28, 2023, 01:42 PM

Students to get 1 lakh 45 thousand new books in Fakirhat January 1

News Desk

On the first day of 2024, about 1 lakh 45 thousand new books will be distributed among students of different levels in Bagerhat‍‍`s Fakirhat upazila.

These new books will be handed over to the students of public and private primary schools, madrasas, junior secondary and secondary schools on Monday (January 1) morning through a festival.

On Thursday morning, the teachers of various school madrasas from the upazila were seen taking the books of their respective educational institutions.

Upazila secondary education officer Shahidur Rahman said there is a demand of 1,87,310 books for 130 educational institutions of primary, junior secondary, secondary and madrasa levels in Fakirhat. For these, 1,45,000 new books have already reached Fakirhat. Book receipt rate is 81.32 per cent. The rest of the books are expected to reach the students by the month of January.

Primary education officer Shova Roy said, "All students from class-1 to class-5 will get all the books as per the demand."

Fakirhat upazila nirbahi officer Sajia Siddika Setu said, "On the first day of the new year, children will get the smell of new books. If everything goes well, the books will be distributed among the students through a festival from the morning of January 1.‍‍`‍‍`
